Big Mom, Kaido, and the Electric Mystery: Are They Really Dead?

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Hey there, fellow One Piece enthusiasts! Let’s dive into the hot topic of the moment: the “Are Big Mom and Kaido dead or not?” saga. I mean, it’s like the ultimate cliffhanger, right?

So, there’s this massive debate going on about whether our two Yonko giants ended up as lava fondue or got flung away like popcorn when that underwater volcano decided to throw a party. People are split, with some swearing they’re done-zo and others thinking it’s all just an elaborate magic trick.

But here’s the twist, folks: We’ve got Zeus, Big Mom’s jolly thunder cloud, still floating around, having a grand old time zapping Nami’s foes.

And that’s a clue! In the One Piece world, Devil Fruit powers are supposed to take a hike when the user takes the eternal nap. Just look at poor Corazon or Smiley’s fruit reincarnating into an apple pronto. Even a quick nap can do the trick, like what happened to Perona and Sugar. But wait, there’s more!

Enter Brook, our resident undead rockstar. He’s a special case because his Devil Fruit relies on, well, being dead. We’ll put him in the “zombie zone” category. On the other hand, Kanjuro’s shown us something you could call a “post-mortem Devil Fruit ability.” He had such a burning desire to ruin everything that he poured some of his soul into his last attack, giving birth to that fiery ghost. It was cool but short-lived.

Now, let’s chat about Zeus.

Some say he’s still buzzing because Big Mom’s soul is like a Duracell battery, keeping him juiced up. Others think Zeus is just one willful cloud who wants to hang around and keep serving Nami. And here’s the kicker: this is DAYS after Big Mom’s supposed exit, folks!

Personally, I’m leaning toward the idea that Big Mom and Kaido hitched a ride on the lava chamber explosion express and got saved by their trusty crew. Why? Because I have a hunch they’re going to be key players in the grand One Piece finale alongside Luffy, Shanks, Blackbeard, and, of course, the legendary Buggy.

But hey, what’s your take on this whole Zeus situation?

Is it the smoking gun that proves Big Mom is still kicking, or do you think it’s just another twist in the wild world of Devil Fruits? Let’s keep those theories and debates rolling because, as One Piece fans, we’re in for the long haul, and Oda’s got plenty of surprises up his sleeve!


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