One Piece chapter 1098 predictions: Kuma goes to save Ginny

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disclaimer: it’s only predictions, chapter spoilers drop tomorrow

Chapter 1098: “The House of Jewelry

In a world where even the most fearsome pirates tremble at the mention of Tenryuubito, let’s dive into these spicy predictions!

Kuma, the bear-man with a heart of gold, is ready to charge in and rescue Ginny, who’s been kidnapped.

His rage is probably scarier than his Devil Fruit powers!

But wait, it’s not just a rescue mission.

Dragon, the revolutionary leader, reminds Kuma that they need a plan. After all, you can’t just barge into a tea party uninvited, right?

Flashback time! It turns out that a Godknight is behind Ginny’s abduction.

And Dragon’s like, “Why are the Tenryuubito kidnapping her?”

Kuma drops a bombshell – there’s a secret reason behind this madness. Who would’ve thought? Secrets, secrets everywhere!

Shift to a World Government ship, where Ginny’s in a not-so-pleasant situation. Tied up and screaming – not exactly the vacation she had in mind!

Enter the grim and intimidating Tenryuubito, “Jewelry Anton.” Just imagine him wearing the fanciest jewelry and monocle in the One Piece world.

Ginny is the apple of Anton’s eye, but there’s a twist – she’s a secret lovechild between Anton and a slave named Ginevra. Things are getting complicated!

You see, Tenryuubito can’t simply turn a slave into one of them, but Ginny’s mother sacrificed herself after childbirth, taking Anton’s promise to care for her daughter to her grave. Talk about a dramatic birth story!

It’s not unusual for Tenryuubito to have “secret” children, but the mothers are never part of the picture. No awkward family dinners, apparently. Daddy Anton is desperate to protect Ginny but is stuck between a rock and a hard place. The Godknight wants juicy revolutionary secrets in exchange for her safety.

Ginny is no snitch, though.

She screams that she won’t betray anyone, even under pressure. Go, girl!

And then, she drops the bomb – “Don’t let him hurt me, Father, I’m pregnant.” Cue the dramatic music!

Dragon and Kuma are gearing up for action, but alas, it’s break time next week. Darn you, Oda, for keeping us on the edge of our seats!

So there you have it, folks! Chapter 1098 promises suspense, drama, and the birth of some jaw-dropping revelations. Can’t wait to see how this jewelry-filled adventure unfolds in the world of One Piece!


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