Oda’s Bizarre obsession with giving kuma tragedy after tragedy

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I think Kuma is meant for it, a martyr. Even more of a kick in the teeth they convinced everyone he’s a tyrant.

Warning: contains spoilers up until chapter 1098

Low key they kinda made it obvious from his introduction the title of tyrant was not applicable to Kuma. Given the chance to murder the strawhats TWICE AND HE DIDNT. Plus the fact he carries a Bible and doesn’t kill is kinda an open ended way of saying he readying a tyrant lol.

There is alot of Christian theming to Kuma so it makes sense i would not be surprised if see more Christian references in backstory or even him making a ultimate sacrifice later in this flash back or even in the present as well.

Kuma is the hero Luffy doesnt want to be.

I think Oda’s message is to tell us that sacrificing yourself for others to the extreme wont bring you happiness either.

You need to purse your goal and “help” others when you can.

It’s so tragic that he decided he would not marry Ginny because he didn’t want her to suffer what his family went through and it happened anyway. He sacrificed their own happiness for nothing.

Nika, save him from this tragedy. Kuma deserves to be happy

But I think it’s going to be the opposite, Kuma will show up and take all of Luffy’s pain and tiredness so he can fight all out. I imagine he’ll take it all on himself, since him being a martyr is so prevalent.

Suffering builds character -> Suffering builds character -> Suffering builds character -> Suffering builds character…

Paw paw fruit repelling happiness and joy, he probably also took her memories of him taking her illness.

That’s why Bonny was crying so much after seeing Kuma’s memories.

I still think Kuma did it only so his consciousness could awaken at a key moment in all the PX’s which will but the revolutionary army’s trump card.

Kuma fragmented his consciousness with the paw paw fruit similar to how Vegapunk did it with his own fruit and put it in many bodies

Imagine what it was like being Ginny when she was kidnapped and put to live in some Celestial Scumbag’s household where she was probably regularly assaulted, and beaten up if she didn’t follow her husband’s orders. Imagine the physical and mental suffering she had to endure there for who knows how long, every day, being forced to be someone’s shiny toy, only to be discarded as trash once she contracted a disease.

And now when we were introduced to Kuma the first time and all the way up to this point, Kuma was always cold and mysterious.

This guy went through a ton of suffering that no physical pain absorption can match he just became a quiet and cold guy, completely different from what we are seeing him 20 years ago. And then later on he gave himself to became a mindless robot.

GG Oda. This at the very least tells us that the final war is gonna be bloody.


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