Bonney and Kuma: A Medical Marvel or a World Government Deal?

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Our focus? The intriguing connection between the enigmatic Bonney and the once-human, now-cyborg Kuma. Buckle up, because this theory is a rollercoaster ride through Vegapunk’s lab and the World Government’s shadowy deals.

So, here’s the scoop: Bonney, the eternal youth herself, may have had a secret rendezvous with Kuma and Vegapunk.

The theory suggests that Bonney was battling an illness, and Kuma, being the stand-up guy that he is, sought out Vegapunk for a cure.

The catch? Kuma couldn’t just take on the illness; it would’ve been a one-way ticket to the afterlife for him.

Enter Vegapunk, the mad scientist of the seas. His solution? Turn Kuma into a cyborg/robot. Because why not, right? In this process, Kuma had to bid farewell to his memories. Why, you ask? Well, that’s the million-dollar question. Some speculate it’s to prevent Bonney from learning the truth about her cyborg father, while others think there’s a deeper, darker secret lurking in those memories.

Once the cyborg transformation was complete, Kuma flexed his newfound robotic muscles and successfully removed Bonney’s illness. But wait, there’s more! Vegapunk, being the crafty genius he is, also erased Bonney’s memory of the entire medical Marvel show. Why? Maybe he’s a fan of mystery novels, or perhaps there’s a grander scheme at play.

Now, here’s where the World Government enters the scene. Rumor has it they got wind of Vegapunk’s miraculous medical maneuvers and struck a deal. “Let Bonney live, and we’ll let you keep experimenting on Kuma – turn him into a weapon and make him a Warlord.” It’s like a twisted healthcare plan with a side of shady politics.

But there’s an additional layer to this theory.

Kuma might not only be hiding the truth about his cyborg status from Bonney but also some family secrets. Could it be that her mother’s forced marriage to a Celestial Dragon and Kuma’s “not-so-real” fatherhood are part of the hidden memories?

Now, let’s address the ring under Bonney’s eye.

Some think it’s a Vegapunk-designed device sustaining the disease while he searches for a permanent cure. Others argue that Bonney may still be technically sick, using her devil fruit to age up and halt the effects of the illness.

It’s a theory party, and everyone’s invited.

So, grab your tinfoil hats, because in the world of One Piece, theories are as abundant as sea-foam on the Grand Line.

Until Oda unravels the mysteries, we’ll keep theorizing and enjoying the wild ride through the fantastical world of pirates, cyborgs, and medical marvels!


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