One Piece: Only Sons Allowed in The Celestial Dragon Family?

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If we rewind to Hancock’s heart-wrenching flashback, all Celestial Dragons appear to be men.

Evil-looking men, mind you.

And let’s not beat around the bush – there was some forced intimacy involved.

Every time these ethereal beings are depicted as wicked, they come in the form of men.

So, is there a chance that female Celestial Dragons exist, but they aren’t allowed to have their own offspring?

Now, this isn’t a far-fetched idea in the world of Oda.

We’ve seen segregated places before – Amazon Lilly, a haven for women, and Kammabakka Kingdom, where okamas thrive.

So, could it be that in the celestial hierarchy, there’s a gender-based division of reproductive rights?

This might also explain why the queen of Alabasta refused the celestial upgrade 800 years ago. Perhaps she saw through the celestial nonsense and opted to maintain her autonomy over her offspring. Smart move, if you ask me.

Now, let’s talk about Imu, the enigmatic figure at the celestial helm.

If Imu is indeed female, it adds an intriguing layer to this theory. Picture this – Imu as the queen bee, the sole significant female in the celestial group. No other females allowed to reproduce, and the males, like diligent worker bees, venture outside to bring back women for the celestial hive.

As you stroll through the celestial family photo album, you might notice a trend – fathers, sons, and daughters, but rarely a mention of mothers. It’s a peculiar absence that raises eyebrows and makes you wonder – are there celestial matriarchs, or are they intentionally left out of the family narrative?

But hold on, there’s more to consider.

Shabaody’s list of people to buy showcases men as well.

Sure, they’re likely for labor purposes, but considering the twisted mindset of Celestial Dragons, it’s not a stretch to imagine men facing similar fates as women in the celestial realm.

With thousands of Celestial Dragons in existence, it’s conceivable that there could be a designated “legal wife.” However, since these self-proclaimed gods believe they can do whatever they please, having multiple wives might be a celestial privilege.

So, as we navigate the murky waters of speculation, keep in mind that in the One Piece world, the celestial drama runs deep.

Only time will unveil the secrets of the Celestial Dragons, and until then, we’ll be here, brewing up theories and unraveling the enigmatic threads of Oda’s masterpiece. Stay celestial, my friends!


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