Zoro’s unlimited loyalty to Luffy: I’ll take Luffy’s place, and my life will be worth his! 

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Zoro, a strongman who is naturally superior to others, has always believed that he can become stronger. No matter how powerful the enemy is, it is just a step to enhance his strength, And seize every moment to exercise his strength and willpower. 

Show respect for skilled opponents and have the spirit of never admitting defeat.

But in life, after getting rid of the bloodshed in the battle, he is closest to reality, but he is a truly kind person.

Zoro is simple and easy-going. His loud voice and grandeur just hope that others will recognize his swordsmanship and loyalty. He has great ambitions and always keeps his enemies at a distance. But for those who want to get close to him, Zoro can always treat them kindly and sincerely.

As a combatant of the “Straw Hats”, Zoro intuitively embodies the meaning of “brave”. Just like the samurai’s understanding of “brave”: truly brave people are often calm, have strong strength but are not proud of it, and keep working hard and moving forward.

On the other hand, Zoro’s loyalty is also reflected vividly.

“Luffy, did you hear that?”

“I’ve made you worry, haven’t I…if I…can’t become the strongest swordsman in the world…it will only increase your burden…right?”

“So I… won’t fail again! Before I defeat that guy and become the strongest swordsman in the world, I promise… I won’t lose again!! Do you have any opinion? Pirate King!”

In the words of the first swordsman Hawkeye, Luffy and Zoro are a good partner! They support each other in realizing each other’s dreams and ambitions.

The cooperation between Zoro and Luffy became even more obvious during the battle. Although they are not good helpers in life, they are indispensable partners if they want to fulfill their ambitions. Zoro believed that Luffy would protect him to the death as the captain, and even regarded Luffy’s dream as more important than his own.

“Are we going to take Luffy’s head anyway?”

“I know, I’ll give you my head…”

“But let me take Luffy’s place, and my life will be worth his! Please!!”

Zoro firmly expressed his determination to save Luffy and save the entire group!

Zoro didn’t think too much about the choice between surrender and fight to the death. Even a brief moment of confusion would push the lives of his cherished partners to the cliff. Therefore, Zoro’s manliness prevented him from dragging his feet! The decision to trade his own life for Luffy’s was made in just a split second.

The reason that made Zoro make this difficult decision was just the captain’s oath – Luffy is the man who will become the Pirate King!

Luffy’s goal is to stand at the top of pirates, and Zoro has always placed his dream at the top of swordsmen, always alerting himself to fulfill his ambitions like Luffy. Although Zoro has the ability to become the world’s number one A swordsman with great ambitions, but he always believed that his ideals were incomparable to Luffy’s. Because he didn’t want to be a burden to Luffy, he kept training his body, and always aimed at Luffy and worked hard to maintain the same fighting power as Luffy.

Ever since he met Luffy, Zoro seemed to have found a soulmate that was impossible to find in life. That man could conquer the arrogant Zoro with his impeccable strength.

Perhaps in the entire ship, Zoro is the one who takes Luffy’s position as captain most seriously. In his heart, Luffy is not only a partner, but also a captain he is willing to follow. Zoro will go to great lengths for Luffy. , although his ambitions are lofty, they still cannot compare with Luffy, the captain.

In order to preserve the captain’s dream, and also to preserve the dreams of the entire group, Zoro was willing to die for Luffy! As long as Luffy is alive, the dreams of the entire group are still alive. At this moment, Zoro’s dream has been combined with the dreams of the entire group.

“Loyalty” in the bushido spirit is of paramount importance. It is the bond between people in various situations. Loyalty to one’s superiors is a creed that warriors must abide by.

Zoro, who always trusts Luffy, never doubts the captain’s judgment and ability. Even if he can’t help Luffy, he still has to wait silently for Luffy to come back. Although he is the captain and the crew, he is also a partner. Zoro always I was worried about Luffy, but always respected his decision as the captain.

Zoro, who is usually indifferent to trivial matters, is not at all careless about matters related to the safety of the team. Because Zoro always thinks about the team, he can always stand up for everyone at critical moments.

As a true warrior, Zoro always makes people feel the unique arrogance and self-control of a warrior. He doesn’t care what others think of him. Even if there are no people in the world who understand him, he still has to follow his own path. The will lives, even if that will is different from anyone else’s in the world.

People are saying that Zoro only dozes during the day, that’s because he has to protect his companions at night, and that silent vigil every night is a bit heartbreaking.

Zoro only hopes that his fame will spread across the sea when he lives in the world. His life is just to get this. As for the fine wine and food, if there is any, they must eat it all and drink it all, if not, they will starve. As for financial reports, Zoro has never valued these.

“In this world, disasters will come one after another. If there are many excuses, who will save us. If I die like this, I will only be a man of this level.”

Your brief words may seem simple, but they touch the softest shore of our hearts. Three sentences gradually showed the direction, strengthened the will, and vowed to never give up.

Roronoa Zoro was born in the beautiful East China Sea – Shuoyue Village. Even though he loves drinking and sleeping, and is the number one pirate super road addict, we can’t stop us from loving him.

Zoro has short green hair, a turban on his left arm, and three beloved samurai swords around his waist. He consistently implements his “bushido spirit” day after day, year after year.

Performing full-load training, constantly surpassing limits, and stimulating potential have made his body extremely tough, his wrist strength unprecedentedly strong, and he can control the knife with ease and precision.

Such a strong willed person. The man is actually the younger brother. He will respect the opinions of Captain Luffy no matter where and when, correct the captain’s stubborn mistakes at critical moments, and have the consciousness to sacrifice himself to protect the boss. It is really good news for the boss and a role model for the younger brother. Long, come to the bowl quickly. You will be satisfied with three meals a day, including wine, meat and girls.


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