About the Cross Guild system and the bounty for marines

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Thanks to this little charade, Buggy’s now rubbing elbows with the big shots and has climbed the ranks to become one of the “Four Emperors” A real rags-to-riches story, if you ask me.

Now, what’s this Cross Guild all about?

Instead of going after the usual treasures, they’re tossing bounties on marines, and get this—they’re paying anyone who takes ’em down.

It’s like a bizarre reverse uno card played by pirates.

And rumor has it, this Cross Guild already has investments from the shadowy corners of the underworld. Shiver me timbers!

But the burning question on everyone’s minds is the bounty payout for bagging a marine. How much booty are we talking about?

Well, let’s dive into the treasure chest of intel:

First up, we’ve got Coby, the Rocky Port hero, whose bounty is a whopping “5 stars” or about 500 million B. For a Captain, that’s like finding a needle in a haystack—unheard of! Maybe he’s got a secret stash of Davy Back Fights hidden somewhere.

Now, your average Captain usually scores a measly “1 star” (around 100 million B). But not our dear Coby; he’s breaking the bank with his 5-star extravaganza.

Someone’s been making waves.

Hold onto your pirate hats because Garp, the navy’s poster boy, is pulling in the big bucks with a colossal “3 crowns” bounty, roughly 3 billion B!

That’s right, the hero of the navy is giving the Yonkos a run for their gold. Talk about making it rain!

The Cross Guild bounty is calculated at 1 star = 100 million B, and 1 crown = 1 billion B.

Even if you’re of the same rank, the bounty amounts can vary like a log pose in a magnetic storm.

CROSS GUILD’s got a betting system, folks!

It’s like a pirate stock market.

You can bet on a marine like they’re a horse in a race, and if your pick wins, you rake in the doubloons.

“I bought this guy’s “single win”!! It’s a payout!!”

A mechanism where you can bet on “something” by Coby as a “single horse” and if you win, you will receive a “dividend” according to the prize money.

If CROSS GUILD is also in charge of the body of the hanger, it seems financially stable. You’ve created an absolutely amazing system. Marines being hunted by pirates…is this also a “new era” in a sense?


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