The Celestial Dragon Mystery: Are They Being Farmed?

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In the bizarre world of One Piece, where sea monsters roam and pirates seek treasure, one peculiar question has been buzzing among fans: Are the Celestial Dragons being farmed?

Now, I’m no theory crafter, so don’t expect this to be as detailed as some others out there.

But ever since the introduction of Imu, I’ve found myself pondering the oddities surrounding the Celestial Dragons.

If, in the grand scheme of things, all decisions come down to Imu, why bother with these weak and pompous nobles?

The isolation of the Celestial Dragons has sparked my curiosity. Is it about maintaining purity?

Pure blood, pure air, perhaps even inbreeding?

Could it be that Imu requires individuals isolated from the rest of the world?

And what if, in a macabre twist, the plan involves siphoning their blood?

Now, this is just a theory, and I might be reaching here, but why keep them fattened up if not for eventual slaughter?

Maybe one day, we’ll find ourselves sympathizing with these often-despised characters. Who knows?

But, dear reader, do you see any glaring reasons to debunk my theory?

Is there a crucial element I’ve overlooked that would make Imu want to keep the Celestial Dragons alive?

Do they know there’s someone pulling the strings above them?

While some see the Celestial Dragons as an allegory of real-life nobility and oligarchs, products of nepotism and government dealings set up generations ago, the puppet faction idea isn’t entirely far-fetched.

Having a group to act as the “face” of the organization, even if selfish and incompetent, mirrors the Cross Guild and Buggy situation.

Of course, it’s essential to remember that One Piece often draws parallels with real-life power dynamics.

Celestial Dragons could be much like actual people in power—deemed invaluable by some, yet not so much in reality.

It might not be a complex twist beyond mirroring the intricacies of our own world.


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