Eren’s Grand Plan: Why Did He Need to Wipe Out 80% of Humanity?

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In the wild rollercoaster that is the finale of Attack on Titan, one burning question echoes: Why did Eren Yeager, our conflicted protagonist, have to go for the “colossal” kill of 80% of humanity? Wasn’t 10% enough to make his pals the toast of the town?

Let’s dive into this mind-bending dilemma.

Eren didn’t handpick the 80% death toll; it was more of a grim necessity.

The man did everything short of juggling flaming swords to make the Rumbling happen, and his comrades, bless their hearts, pulled out all stops to hit the brakes.

In the end, they only salvaged a mere 20%, which, if we’re being real, is pretty par for the Scout Corps’ course.

Remember Annie’s tango?

They got something juicy but not the whole enchilada.

Hold on, though.

Did Eren play psychic with a crystal ball, predicting the 80% body count while sipping tea in the Paths?

Not exactly.

Eren’s future-gazing was more of a DIY project.

He had snippets of tomorrow that he deemed essential and forwarded them to daddy dearest, who, in a Back to the Future twist, sent them back to himself through a memory-sharing relay.

Eren wasn’t on a quest to turn his buddies into rockstar heroes.

That was just the bonus level in his game of stopping global turmoil and saving his homeland.

Think of it as a BOGO deal on peace.

As for the 80%, it wasn’t some arbitrary figure; Eren needed to ensure that the rest of the world stayed in their lane.

Destroying only 10% would have been like inviting the neighbors over with their fancy airships and high-tech weaponry, ready to party on Paradis.

Eren also tossed in a casual 100% kill statement.

His wishful thinking kicked in like a stubborn mule stuck in a time loop.

It was all a paradoxical conundrum where he knew the gang would thwart his master plan but secretly hoped things would turn out okay for Paradis, a bit like a tragic hero’s last-minute prayer.

In a perfect world, perhaps the finale would ditch the “make-the-island-devils-heroes” shtick.

Picture this: Eren goes full throttle, wipes out the full 100%, Scouts fumble the ball, Levi vs. Mikasa showdown, and Eren, thinking he’s the MVP, inadvertently scorches the Earth.

Cue Armin leading the last survivors off the island, teasing us with a historic book from the future in that ominous Season 2 closing scene.

In the grand scheme of things, Eren’s plan was a chaotic rollercoaster, filled with twists, turns, and a dash of wishful thinking.

But hey, in the world of Attack on Titan, when has anything been straightforward?


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