Fujitora’s Dance with the Marines: Why the Navy Can’t Just Fire Him!

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First things first, the dude’s strength is like finding a hidden stash of devil fruits – invaluable!

This blind swordsman not only protected Mariejoise against Revolutionary captains but also got an express promotion to Admiral during the draft.

Talk about a fast track to the top, right?

Now, some skeptics might say, “But why keep him around when they try to execute Vegapunk, the brainiac extraordinaire?”

Well, the answer lies in necessity.

Fujitora wasn’t just handed the Admiral title for kicks;

They needed his muscle power pronto, and no, they didn’t have a warehouse of equally strong candidates lying around.

But hold on, isn’t Fujitora actively working against the World Government, you ask?

Well, not exactly.

Sure, he’s got a rebellious streak, and he can do a few things, like letting some slaves slip away.

And hey, perspective is everything!

They could spin it like Fujitora preferred to let them run to avoid the Revolutionary Army overstaying their welcome in the holy land.

Some theorists even speculate that Fujitora might have been a high-ranking marine conscripted back into service during the draft.

I mean, they don’t just hand out Admiral badges like candy, right?

His self-blinding saga could be part of some deep backstory we’ve yet to uncover.

But why not demote him, you ask?

Well, here’s the scoop: As an Admiral, Fujitora holds power over almost everyone, except a handful of big shots.

Demoting him might keep his strength but strip away his influence.

It’s like having a rocket launcher but no ammo – still powerful but lacking the punch.

And let’s not forget the grand puppet master, Akainu.

His iron-fisted code and tight grip on the Marines might not be the best combo.

Releasing an asset like Fujitora, despite his rebellious tendencies, might just create more problems than it solves.

So, in this wild ride of marines, admirals, and rebellious blind swordsman, firing Fujitora is like throwing away your trump card during a high-stakes poker game.

They need him, he knows too much, and the world is in chaos after the latest Yonko showdown.


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