Eren’s last request to Zeke: Why did he ask him to wait ?

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The final chapters brought forth a tidal wave of revelations and, as we navigate these uncharted waters, one question continues to echo in the recesses of our minds: Why did Eren ask Zeke to wait during the pivotal moment in the Forest of Giant Trees?

Let’s embark on this intellectual journey, don our detective hats, and speculate like the Survey Corps in the face of an enigmatic titan.

Eren, with the Founding Titan’s might and a sea of memories, orchestrated a symphony of events leading to the cataclysmic Rumbling.

Some of you may argue that Eren’s plea to Zeke was an act of compassion, a moment of hesitation in the grandiose plan to spare the lives of fellow Eldians from the cruel fate of titan transformation.

However, could there be a deeper motive, a subtle thread woven into the fabric of fate itself?

Consider this: Eren knew the wine was tainted, a deadly elixir threatening to transform comrades into mindless titans.

Yet, he allowed the plan to unfold, leading to the tragic demise of military leaders.

Why then, in the Forest of Giant Trees, did he ask Zeke to halt the transformation process?

One theory contends that Eren’s request was rooted in the intricacies of the timeline he sought to manifest. As the wielder of the Attack Titan, Eren possessed fragmented glimpses of the future, a mosaic of events yet to unfold.

If Zeke had roared earlier, perhaps certain dominoes wouldn’t fall as Eren needed.

Consider the birth of the Jaw Titan, an unforeseen consequence of Falco’s transformation.

Had Zeke screamed sooner, Gabi might not have found herself wielding the Jaw Titan’s power, forever altering the course of events.

It’s a delicate dance between causality and chaos, orchestrated by a protagonist entwined in the threads of destiny.

Another intriguing aspect is Zeke’s reaction to Eren’s plea.

In a universe where titans communicate through actions, Eren’s transcendence into Founding Titan mastery might have unleashed a unique power—a momentary hold on Zeke’s transformation, a glimpse into the subtleties of the Founding Titan’s abilities.

As we traverse this narrative labyrinth, one thing remains clear: Eren’s actions are a harmonious blend of determination and uncertainty.

The whispers of the forest carry echoes of a protagonist navigating a tapestry of destiny, each thread meticulously woven by Isayama’s narrative prowess.

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