How Did Mikasa Get Her Memory Wiped?

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Let’s delve into the enigma surrounding Mikasa’s memory wipe in the finale of our beloved series. The Ackerman clan has always been a source of fascination, and Eren’s actions in the Paths have left us scratching our heads. So, how did Mikasa’s memories get tangled up in the convoluted threads of Eren’s power?

Firstly, the Ackerman lineage has been considered immune to the Founding Titan’s ability.

The inherent strength and unique powers of the Ackermans seemed to shield them from the manipulations of the Founding Titan.

However, the final chapters introduced a twist that had fans buzzing with questions.

During the emotional climax of the series, Eren, in his god-like form within the Paths, seems to tamper with Mikasa’s memories.

This raised eyebrows since the Ackermans were assumed to be impervious to such influences.

The puzzle becomes more intricate as we explore the nature of Mikasa’s experience within the Paths.

Mikasa shared an intense four-year journey with Eren in the ethereal realm, experiencing a lifetime of memories in mere seconds of the real world.

Imagine the whirlwind of emotions, revelations, and shared moments compressed into that fleeting instance.

The poignant scene where Mikasa, moments before ending Eren’s life, gives us a glimpse into this unusual connection. A smile is exchanged, and we witness a mix of emotions – closure, understanding, and a profound connection formed in the abyss of the Paths.

Some argue that Mikasa might not have had her memories entirely wiped.

Instead, she could have experienced headaches during the final battle, glimpsing fragments of the lost memories.

The headaches become a battleground between the memory manipulation and Mikasa’s resilience to the erasure, hinting at a temporary suppression rather than a complete wipe.

An interesting observation lies in Mikasa’s interaction with Armin.

As Armin’s memories resurface, Mikasa asks, “Your memories came back too?”

This indicates that Mikasa was unaware that others had their memories tampered with, showing a deliberate act by Eren to temporarily manipulate her understanding of events.

Now, some eagle-eyed fans noted symbolic elements in the anime, like a bird flying overhead when Mikasa contemplates her choices.

Given Eren’s ability to control birds, this detail might suggest a connection to the Paths.

Another intriguing moment occurs when Mikasa’s head starts hurting before receiving her Paths memory.

This could be Ymir peeking into her mind, paving the way for Eren to manipulate her memories and plant the seeds of closure, fortitude, and the strength needed to confront and kill him.

So, fellow Straw Hat enthusiasts, what’s your take on Mikasa’s memory wipe?

Theories, speculations, and passionate discussions.


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