Feathers of Freedom: Unveiling the Power of ‘Big News’ Morgans in One Piece

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Hold onto your hats, fellow pirates, because we’re about to unveil a character in One Piece who’s more powerful than you might think! And I promise, this won’t be as long as a Fish-Man Island swim.

Where free speech is scarcer than a mermaid’s tears, and advanced communication tech means talking to snails, enter “Big News” Morgans. He’s the guy behind The World Economic Journal, the one and only newspaper that keeps the world informed. This paper doesn’t just report news; it dishes out bounties and even publishes manga, like “Sora, Warrior of the Sea.”

At the end of every major story arc, Morgans’ newspaper spreads the word about the Straw Hats’ epic escapades and fills in the gaps about what’s happening outside of Luffy’s adventures. In a world where information is as precious as gold, Morgans’ paper is the golden ticket. It’s like the CNN, TMZ, and the Daily Bugle all rolled into one, but with more bird-like charm.

All those newspapers are delivered by an animal called a News Coo.

These feathery critters are basically the postal service on steroids, always finding their recipients unless they’re stuck in the Calm Belt. And guess what? Morgans probably has a monopoly on these News Coos. See, if others knew how to use them, Morgans would have some fierce competition on his hands. The World Government, pirates, everyone – they all rely on his paper to stay in the loop. So, they’re all kind of forced to be Morgans’ BFFs.

And speaking of the World Government, they can’t boss Morgans around too much because they don’t have a clue about the secret of the Coos. They need his paper for issuing bounties and crafting their PR image. But, if they push him too hard, he might just squawk their dirty laundry to the world. It’s like a Mexican standoff of information, folks.

Now, let’s talk about Morgans’ influence.

The World Economic Journal and Morgans’ untouchable position make him one of the freest individuals in the Grand Line and beyond. He may play both sides at times, but he always reports whatever the heck he wants, whenever he wants. So, in Luffy’s world, where power equals freedom, Morgans’ freedom is his power.

In a world of pirates, paramecia, and pandas (looking at you, Panda Man), Morgans is the real mastermind behind the scenes, holding the world together with ink and feathers. Now that’s what I call BIG NEWS!


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