One Piece: Who will Save Bonney from Saturn?

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Hey there, fellow One Piece enthusiasts! If you’ve been keeping up with the latest chapters, you’re probably just as anxious as I am about the fate of our beloved Bonney. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a butter knife, but fear not! Today, we’re diving into the wild, wacky world of One Piece theories and discussing who might just be the knight in shining metal armor to save our damsel in distress.

Now, there are many theories flying around like seagulls fighting over a piece of bread.

Some say Luffy will make a miraculous recovery, others think Sanji’s Conqueror’s Haki will come to the rescue, but my money’s on the unlikeliest of saviors – Bartholomew Kuma! Yes, the cyborg with a heart of…well, circuitry.

“But wait,” you might be wondering, “why Kuma?” Well, let’s dissect the evidence like a true Sherlock Holmes of the Grand Line.

First, we’ve had a few chapters dedicated to Kuma recently. When Oda starts giving a character screen time, you know something’s about to go down.

Second, Kuma’s hands have been described as the “Hands of Liberation.” Now, what’s more liberating than saving a damsel in distress?

Third, Kuma and Saturn go way back, as they met when Kuma was just a wee cyborg in short pants. This connection might be the key to our salvation story.

Fourth, Kuma is currently on his way somewhere, and most of us guessed it’s the enigmatic Egghead, probably because of the whole memory bubble thing. Could this be the showdown of the century? I can almost hear the dramatic music playing.

Imagine Kuma, the cyborg with barely any semblance of his own humanity, returning to the place where he likely lost it all, facing off against Saturn, the embodiment of the world’s problems, to save his own daughter ( i mean that’s complicated) , Bonney. It’s a tale that mirrors his own father’s heroic death while spreading the joy of Nikka. Talk about a family legacy!

Kuma and the Giant Robot, a match made in mechanical heaven, will undoubtedly play a crucial role in the Egghead saga. But, here’s where things get a little dicey. Both of them, along with Luffy, are not exactly in prime shape or ready to spring into action as Bonney’s execution looms. So, if one of these three is going to save our bacon-haired pirate, things need to slow down, stall, or do a funky little dance.

My theory? Picture this: Kuma, after a good old-fashioned beating, gives the executioner a swift boot back to Mary Geoise, then collapses dramatically. The giant robot, not one to be outdone, rises and starts giving those pesky Marine ships a taste of its own medicine. Chaos ensues, everyone regroups, and Kuma gets a little TLC, or he might just upload himself into a Mark II Pacifista, which could very well be a Kuma clone.

Now, some might leave with the Straw Hats, while others get pawed by Kuma. And hey, who knows, there might be some Paw Paw Greenblood lying around if Kuma, well, kicks the bucket. Our boy Kuma could sure use a “W” right about now.

But here’s the twist that might just send you into a spin: Bonney will be saved by a mechanical being, because Saturn’s power works exclusively on living things. So, Kuma, the Iron Giant, and even Franky might qualify as Saturn-resistant heroes.

So there you have it, my wild and slightly wacky theory. Will Kuma, the cyborg with a heart, or rather, a microchip of gold, come to Bonney’s rescue in the eleventh hour? Only time will tell, but you can bet your prized One Piece memorabilia collection that I’ll be on the edge of my seat, popcorn in hand, eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Stay tuned, fellow pirates!


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