One Piece: Can Saturn be Bonney’s Dad ?

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In the ever-twisting world of One Piece theories, one recent speculation has caught the attention of fans, and it involves none other than Jewelry Bonney and the mysterious Saturn.

One notable incident is Saturn allowing himself to be stabbed by Bonney.

Now, we’ve seen our fair share of unconventional father-child bonding moments in One Piece, but this one takes the cake.

Why would Saturn be so willing to get a dagger through the chest?

It’s like a celestial version of trust falls, only with sharper consequences.

The second breadcrumb is Akainu’s uncharacteristic leniency.

We all know him as the embodiment of absolute justice, ready to obliterate any pirate in his path.

So, when Bonney finds herself aboard a warship meant for Blackbeard, instead of a fiery demise, she gets a one-way ticket to capture town. T

he theory suggests that perhaps Akainu was playing nice, under secret orders not to harm Bonney. A pirate-catching detour with a sprinkle of daddy issues, anyone?

Now, let’s talk surface-level drama.

When Saturn emerges from a pentagram (because, of course, celestial beings love a good geometric entrance), he mentions surfacing after a long time. Fast forward to the latest chapter, and Ginny, echoes a similar sentiment about returning to the surface after two years.

Coincidence? One does not simply surface without connections in the One Piece universe.

As with any theory, there’s always room for skepticism and wild speculation. Could this celestial connection be the missing link in Bonney’s backstory? Is Saturn really her estranged dad? Or is Oda throwing us off the trail with some masterful misdirection?

Bonney’s father is Kuma. I’ll hear no more of this.

Yes he’s not a step dad, but the dad who stepped up.

Saturn may have been your father, girl, but he wasn’t your daddy.

Team Kuma;


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