Attack On Titan: Eren was a puppet of his own visions

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Firstly, Eren’s journey through time is like a rollercoaster with no seatbelts. When he kissed the hands of Historia, it wasn’t just a friendly kiss – it was a one-way ticket to a future that was set in stone. The Attack on Titan’s unique ability provided Eren with a front-row seat to a fate that he desperately tried to alter, but alas, the course was as unchangeable as a titan’s diet.

Eren’s lack of a master plan turned him into a puppet of his own visions.

As he navigated the twists and turns of destiny, he unintentionally led to the demise of characters like Sasha and Hange.

Imagine trying to rearrange a puzzle blindfolded – that’s Eren attempting to change the future, and spoiler alert: the blindfold doesn’t help.

Eren’s understanding of his actions and their consequences became apparent in a heartbreaking revelation.

The scenes involving his mother’s death were not part of a grand master plan; instead, they unfolded like a tragic Shakespearean play, leaving Eren to grapple with the realization that he, in essence, orchestrated his own family’s downfall.

Now, time-travel enthusiasts who wish for a clean explanation often forget the tangled mess that is time manipulation.

Attack on Titan, in its unique charm, refrains from going down the rabbit hole of multiverses and paradoxes.

Eren’s ability to see the future is baked into the story’s fixed timeline, making every action he takes a contributing factor to the destined outcome.

As for Ymir and her ethereal visions shared with Mikasa, it adds another layer to the temporal enigma.

Ymir’s attempt to kill King Fritz mirrors Mikasa’s destiny-defying act towards the end.

Did Eren and Ymir have a heart-to-heart about breaking the cycle? Maybe.

But it’s in the ambiguity that Attack on Titan thrives, leaving fans both perplexed and enthralled.

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