Gear 5: The Time Limit Theory – Is it All in Luffy’s Head?

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So, Gear 5, Luffy’s awesome power, is at the center of all discussions. But, listen, it’s not a time limit problem, no, no. The real issue is in the head of our dear Straw Hat captain.

Every time an opponent asks Luffy if he’s reached his limit, bam, like magic, he reaches his limit! The proof is with Kaido and Kizaru; it happened, but strangely, it didn’t happen with Lucci, and guess why: Lucci didnt say anything about his powers running off.

Well, why, you might ask? Because Luffy’s power depends on his imagination.

So, if someone suggests to him that he’s running out of steam, he starts doubting himself. Like when Nami and Sanji pointed out that it was cold on Drum Island, he began shivering.

Now, let’s look at the big shots in the One Piece universe, aside from Luffy. None of them have a time limit for their superpowers, making them even more formidable. But rest assured, one day, Luffy won’t have a time limit, like the others. He might realize that he’s holding himself back by thinking he’s running out of time, and he’ll be able to maintain his Gear 5 form for longer, even though he’ll still be exhausted afterward.

The logic behind all of this is pretty clear because his abilities are limited only by his imagination (and I can tell you, his imagination is incredible). I bet the great Oda will use that as a justification for Luffy to do more in future arcs.

Oh, and a little clarification for the skeptics, no, it’s not his haki that limits all this.

Before Kaido “killed” him, his haki tank was completely empty. But after his transformation into Gear 5, his body started spewing out conquerors and armament haki as if he had activated an infinite haki cheat code. Even the way he takes hits seems to show it because now he can withstand attacks infused with conquerors haki that would have previously knocked him out, only to brush them off and burst into laughter. In short, it doesn’t work the same way against Gear 5 Luffy.

It promises to be exciting, right?


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