Did the world still hate Eldians ? Was it the reason for city destruction in the end ?

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Let’s take a trip down speculation lane. The fact that the city developed so much indicates that most of our beloved characters got something resembling a happy ending.

I mean, a city doesn’t just casually stroll into progress and then get obliterated, right?

And here’s my hot take on the whole “the world still hates Eldians” argument.

I’m waving a counter-argument flag.

Titans, my friends, weren’t the real issue; it’s people.

Humans are just so darn good at finding reasons to fight each other.

The Rumbling wasn’t the root problem; it was more like a symptom.

That city got wiped out not because Titans are still terrorizing, but because, well, people gonna people.

Fast forward to the future in this Attack on Titan universe, and I betcha nobody’s having weekly therapy sessions about the Rumbling.

Heck, they might not even remember it, considering the human tendency to brush historical chaos under the rug.

Let’s put things in perspective. Remember the Black Plague?

Yeah, it wiped out a third of Europe in the 1340s-50s.

We know it happened, but when was the last time it came up in your daily chit-chat?

Probably not since your last history class.

Stuff fades into the background, becomes a blip in the timeline.

Now, I’m not saying the Rumbling is just going to vanish from memory like last week’s meme.

But give it a few centuries, and it might just become a chapter in the dusty history books.

We’ve got a knack for moving on, even when our ancestors did some pretty terrible stuff.

Just look at how we collectively treat some less-than-stellar moments in our past. It’s like the “out of sight, out of mind” rule of historical amnesia.

So, chin up, fellow Titans.

The world might have gone through some serious turbulence, but in the grand scheme of things, it’ll likely end up as a footnote in a textbook that future students skim through while daydreaming about Titan-shaped hoverboards.


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