How many Ymir are there? Confused about who Ymir is ? here is your answer

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So, you’ve binge-watched your way through Attack on Titan, and just when you thought you had the whole “Subjects of Ymir” thing figured out, along comes Ymir – not the founding titan from thousands of years ago, but the girl we met in Season 1 and 2, Historia’s friend. Wait, are they the same person?

Spoiler alert: No, they’re not. But buckle up, because the Ymir rabbit hole goes deep.

Meet the OG Ymir – “The Founder”

Let’s start at the beginning, a couple of millennia ago, with the original Ymir.

This powerhouse was the first person ever to wield the power of the titans, earning her the title of “the founder.” Eldians, aka Subjects of Ymir, trace their titan lineage back to her.

However, she kicked the bucket around 2,000 years ago, leaving behind a legacy that would give your family tree a serious workout.

Enter Ymir: The Human, The Myth, The Cult Adoptee

Now, fast forward to our girl Ymir, the one we met in Seasons 1 and 2. This Ymir wasn’t born with the name; it was kind of slapped on her by a charismatic cult leader who had a thing for renaming people.

Picture this: Ymir, the orphan from an internment zone on the mainland, living her best life until Cult Leader McCharisma swoops in and decides to use her for his grand plans.

Cult Leader McCharisma tells everyone that this girl (who had a different real name) has royal blood flowing through her veins, and voila, Ymir the cult icon is born. Ymir, always up for an upgrade in her living conditions, goes along with it. But alas, the party ends when local authorities catch wind of the cult’s shenanigans. Next stop: Paradis. Next event: Titan transformation for everyone involved.

Ymir’s 60-Year Titan Stroll

Now, our Ymir becomes a “pure titan” (that’s Marleyan lingo for mindless titan) and spends the next 60 years doing the zombie walk around the island.

Things get interesting when she snacks on Marcel and inherits the Jaw titan, which turns her back into a human.

Cue sneaking into the walls, starting a new life, and keeping the name Ymir.

The Bottom Line

So, to answer the burning question: Are they the same person? No siree! The OG Ymir was the founder, way back when, and the Ymir we know and love (or fear) in the anime is a completely different, name-swapped, cult-adopted, titan-transformed individual.

And there you have it, the Ymir saga in a nutshell. Attack on Titan sure knows how to keep us on our toes, doesn’t it? Now, go forth and continue your titan-sized adventure, armed with the knowledge that there’s more than one Ymir in this wild world.


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