If Shanks Was Malicious, Whitebeard and Rayleigh Would Surely Have Known

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If Shanks were a bad guy, you’d think Whitebeard and Rayleigh would have picked up on it, right? I mean, they’re not exactly the type to miss the memo on a friendly pirate gone rogue.

So, here we are, exploring this theory that Shanks might be up to no good, leading us all on a merry chase. Some folks even suspect he’s in cahoots with the World Government, disguising himself as one of those ‘Good guys.’ Sneaky, right?

Now, let’s talk about that Whitebeard scar, the one that’s been giving him grief.

If it’s from Figarland Garling, who’s possibly Shanks’ old man, then Whitebeard must’ve had a front-row seat to Figarland’s not-so-heroic intentions (you know, the whole “let’s kill innocent folks” thing). So, why didn’t Whitebeard give Shanks the boot, or at least some tough love? Well, it’s either Whitebeard couldn’t match Shanks in an arm-wrestling contest, or he’s down with the ‘God Knights’ club. Frankly, I find both of those options as likely as a snowstorm in Alabasta.

And Marco, remember him? He seemed just fine with Shanks honoring Whitebeard and Ace.

I can’t imagine he’d let the ‘God Knights’ gang crash the party. So, maybe Shanks isn’t as sinister as we think.

Now, Rayleigh, the current one, is still exchanging pleasantries with Shanks.

It’s not the kind of thing you’d expect from the Pirate King’s right-hand man if Shanks was off his rocker.

Those ‘God Knights’ and their questionable ethics don’t seem like Rayleigh’s cup of tea.

In a world as morally complex as One Piece, it’s usually a pretty straightforward case of “good vs. evil” when it comes to hurting innocent folks equaling “bad.” But who knows, maybe Eiichiro Oda is gearing up for a Hunter x Hunter-style ethical rollercoaster. That would be pretty darn cool, wouldn’t it?


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