One Piece: Dragon’s Marine Rank – Stars, D’s, and Government Shenanigans!

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Did anyone else’s eyes pop out when they spotted those three stars on Dragon’s chest in Chapter 1097? I mean, seriously, was that a Marine-style fashion statement or what? It got me thinking – could this be a nod to his former Marine days?

In the real world of the Marines, those three stars are all Vice Admirals’ special bling. So, could it be possible that Dragon was once in charge of some Vice Admiral shenanigans, just like his buddy Garp?

Now, here’s where things get a bit curious.

How come folks with a big ‘ol ‘D’ in their names are allowed to waltz into the Marines, and why aren’t they being actively hunted down?

You’d think the World Government, known for its ruthless persecution of anything and anyone that threatens its authority, would have a field day with the D-clan.

They practically wiped out Lunarians, Buccaneers, and genocided Ohara scholars! They’ve got a track record, right? Even the Fishmen, who aren’t necessarily a threat, get the short end of the discrimination stick and can’t serve in the Marines. But then we’ve got Garp, Dragon, Saul – all card-carrying D members – making their way up to Vice Admiral ranks.

Garp, old as he is, could’ve gone all the way up to Fleet Admiral if he felt like it. And let’s not forget about Blackbeard and Ace, who were offered the sweet gig of being Warlords, despite having that dreaded D in their names. I mean, we know the World Government fears the D clan so much that they’ve hidden it on posters of Roger and Luffy. But at the same time, they’re cool with having other Ds on their payroll?

It’s like a ‘Love-Hate’ relationship, but with world-ending implications.

So, what’s the deal? Are the D’s just that strong, or is there something more sneaky happening behind the scenes? One Piece never fails to keep us guessing!”


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